The Out on Film Filmmaker Fund strives to support emerging and established LGBTQ+ filmmakers with a focus on Georgia and Southeastern storytellers. This fund provides financial assistance to queer artists who often struggle to secure funding to complete their project. Grants up to $2,500 are available for the completion of films that tell the stories of LGBTQ+ life in all its humanity and complexity.
The Filmmaker Fund was established to promote LGBTQ+ storytellers through grants, programs, and awards. Submissions are accepted for documentary, narrative, experimental, animated, or episodic projects about the LGBTQ+ experience. The Fund also seeks to support work of traditionally under-represented voices in film; we encourage applications from queer, southern artists, Lesbians, people of color, transgender and gender expansive people, disabled people, and other underrepresented people and communities. We especially seek to fund projects with production teams comprising LGBTQ+ cast and crew.
The application deadline is March 7th, 2025. The recipients of the 2025/2026 Out on Film Filmmaker Fund will be announced in April 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
We will consider applications for
Narrative Feature films over 70 minutes;
Documentary Feature films over 60 minutes,
Narrative OR Documentary short films over 9 minutes
Funding will be given to projects;
in need of finishing, marketing or accessibility inclusion (i.e. closed/open captions, audio description) funds, and
have already completed the development and production (at least 85%) phase and are in post-production stage or ready to begin post
projects by, for, and about LGBTQ+ people and their communities
based in the USA (with preference given to southern-based filmmakers.
Review Criteria
Out on Film’s Programming team will review all applications, preview sample works, and select semi-finalists to be recommended to Out on Film programmers, staff, and industry representatives reflective of the Out on Film queer community. The standard Filmmaker Fund grant ranges from $250 to $2,500 depending on the amount requested, although the panel can recommend a higher or lower amount.
Awards will be based on a demonstration of the following:
Quality of LGBTQ+ subject matter with an emphasis on telling stories of the queer experience;
Strength, originality and distinctiveness of story;
Evidence of directorial skill displayed in the provided rough cut/edit;
Authentic representation of LGBTQ+ individuals on the creative and production teams.
Submission Material
Complete application form
Full Synopsis
Distribution strategy (Festivals, theatrical release, self-distribution)
Summary budget
Summary Production Schedule
Financial Plan
Main cast and crew bios
Chain of title summary (who owns rights to material)
Link to a rough cut or assembly edit of your project
Please fill out and upload all documents electronically via the Completion Fund Application here.
Recipient Responsibilities
Recipients will be asked to submit an invoice and sign a Letter of Agreement that will require:
Recipient will acknowledge funding by Out on Film and the Out on Film Filmmaker Fund in on- screen and printed credits for the completed project. Out on Film will provide logo for this purpose
Recipient will give Out on Film the first right of refusal to the Atlanta premiere of the completed project.
Recipient will provide updates on the project’s status and apprise Out on Film of significant changes to the project or timeline.
Recipient ensures that key members of the creative team (director/writer/producer) identify as LGBTQ+.
General Information
The information in these guidelines is subject to change. Out on Film reserves the right to review this program and/or change its policies, procedures and review criteria.
Out on Film reserves the right to ask applicants for additional information
All decisions on applications are final.
Payment will be made upon receipt of the executed funding agreement and that all conditions have been met.
Out on Film will make public information on the number of applications it receives and awards given.
In instances where Out on Film employees, board members or contractors are involved with applicants, the relationship must be disclosed in the application. The Out on Film member will be shielded from any decision or discussion of the application.